Solo Build It!

African Dance by Kariamu Weish Asante

African dance: An Artistic, Historical and Philosophical Inquiry

African tribal wedding celebration dance in Zamunda from the epic Coming To America
African dance tribal wedding celebration in Zamunda 
from the epic Coming To America, choreograph by Paula Abdul

The presence of dances originating from the continent of Africa, nowadays, is prevalent everywhere.

How do we define or recognize those dances from Africa?

I can't answer that question in a few words. These masterpieces of the art of movement stem from wide cultural, historical, political and social context.

Timoun ak Emeline Michel, Pawòl yo

Timoun ak Emeline Michel

Pawòl chante-a

De tout bèl chante Emeline Michel ki konn enspire m anpil, Timoun se zèv li ki plis touche m. Pawòl zèv chante sa rejwenn yon ijans ke mwen santi nan zantray mwen pou nou sa rejte tout kalite laperèz epi louvri nanm nou, kontre yonn ak lòt ant kat zye tout bon, chèche kouraj pou nou fè sa ki gen pou fèt pou n' rekòmanse epi onore eritaj Desalin lan.

Tankou Bayyinah Belo di li aklè...
"...depi ou konn misyon w, ou ranmase l ak kouraj... lemonn antye te mèt kont ou, pa pè, kanpe, fè l..."

Bayyinah Belo

Murmures à la jeunesse de Christiane Taubira

Murmures à la jeunesse

"la terre est ma patrie et l'humanité, ma famille"

~  Khalil Gibran

Par la danse, je montre le chemin du mieux-être intégral qu'est le mouvement conscient. Dans ces murmures à la jeunesse, Christiane Taubira questionne l'intégrité de nos mouvements conscients.

Nan Dòmi par/by Mimerose P. Beaubrun

Nan dòmi, le récit d'une initiation vodou

Un cadeau d'amour à l'humanité...

Nan Dòmi est une magnifique danse de l'art de la parole avec la simplicité des coeurs sincères pour offrir une étude authentique de la conscience en éveil par la voie du vodou.

Nan Dòmi en éveil...

"...le vodou a une pratique publique extérieure - de rituels et de cérémonies-, mais également une dimension mystique intérieure qui a plus vocation à être pratiquée en privé...

Avant Nan Dòmi, les travaux sur le vodou se sont concentrés sur la première, c'est-à-dire la dimension publique, extérieure, de la religion et des us et coutumes qui l'entourent. Mimerose P. Beaubrun s'est proposé, tout d'abord, d'effectuer un travail du même ordre.

Money, A Love Story by Kate Northrup

Money, A Love Story

Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create the Life You Really Want

A different approach to the leadership games

"Kate Northrup helped me become unapologetic about my desire to earn more, give more, and prosper in every area of my life."

~ Gabrielle Bernstein
Bestselling author of May Cause Miracles
Stop letting money matters be a source of pain in your life

The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

The 4-Hour Workweek

A different approach to the leadership games

4-Hour Workweek | Tim Ferris

Can you afford only four hours of work during a week time?
This is the lifestyle deal Tim Ferris is offering...

"The 4-Hour Workweek has now been sold into 35 languages. It's been on the bestseller lists for more than two years, and every month brings a new discovery.

Motherpeace by Vicky Noble

A Way to the Goddess through myth, 

art and tarot

A different approach to the leadership games

Motherpeace by Vicki Noble | artpreneure-20
Vicki Noble challenges us to celebrate our ancient peaceful heritage and to reclaim our right as a people to a life without war.

Motherpeace was written as if I was talking to four particular friends. In this diverse group. the first friend is a feminist sister who, in addition to the struggles to improve the quality of our everyday lives, wants to recover a vision of the Goddess and the kind of society that would honour her.

My second friend uses a traditional tarot deck, as millions do, but is excited to hear about a wholly new set of tarot images that, while drawing upon tradition, recast it to embody more fully the lives and aspirations of women.

Productivity For Creative People by Mark McGuinness

Productivity For Creative People

How to get creative work done in an "Always On" world

A different approach to the leadership games

Extract from the book details:
We are living in an age of unprecedented creative stimulation--via the internet, social media, all-pervasive technology, and an "always on" working culture.

Which means we are living in an age of unprecedented distraction from focused creative work--from all the same sources.

First, computers and the internet transformed the work we did at our desks. 

Then along came smartphones to transform our social lives and make our work mobile.


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