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A Testament Of Hope by Martin Luther King Jr.

A Testament Of Hope
The Essential Writings and Speeches
of Martin Luther King Jr.

A different approach to the leadership games

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."

Martin Luther King Jr. 

A Testament Of Hope by Martin Luther King Jr.

Make A Testament of Hope by Martin Luther King Jr. Yours

"I learned more about Dr. King and his philosophies by reading his actual words than I could have learned reading a history or biography. I was surprised to learn that Dr. King's journey was a long one even before civil rights movement, that he studied many schools of philosophical and religious thought.

I was deeply impressed by his gifts with language, the ability to convey ideas in ways anyone can understand, and to inspire...

If you are interested in human rights questions, I recommend reading this piece by piece, though it is a large volume. So much of what King said isn't limited to the movements of 50 years ago, but to the ongoing struggle for human dignity and equality."

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